How are Good Leaders made?

good leaders

If you’re a new leader of a team it’s always useful to have a key set of principles and guidance as to what makes a good leader.

It is very apparent what constitutes good and bad leadership. You are inspired by great leaders; you can learn from their style and are motivated to do a better job from their great coaching styles. You can also learn what not to do from poor leaders.

Good leadership of your team may mean the success or failure of your veterinary business and the difference between keeping your colleagues or them looking elsewhere for other roles

In a nutshell, if you do the below as a minimum you will start to build up a trusting relationship with your team and start to build lasting building blocks for the future

Say Hello, Goodbye and Thank You!

It’s so important to engage with your direct and indirect team on a regular basis, a simple hello in the morning and goodbye when you leave is enough for a lot of people. A cup of tea and a bit of banter about the football or your weekend’s activities are even better! It brings out your human side!

Ken Blanchard is a great leadership mentor, a timely thank you for a job well done goes a long way. Don’t leave it until a monthly meeting, on the spot praise can instantly motivate your team.

Regular 121’s

It’s important to regularly catch up with key direct reports. You can talk through any issues they have, work-related or personal, and build that trusting relationship you need to ensure consistent performance.

It’s important to keep these meetings too! Everyone is very pushed for time but there is nothing more demotivating than a leader who consistently misses 121s. How valued will your employee feel if you cannot even give them ½ an hour of your time a week?

Have a clear road map and involve your team!

It’s really important to have a clear road map for your team so they know where you want to take your business. Involve your team in the journey, if they are part of the process, they are more likely to buy into it and do a better job of delivering what you have all planned together.

Make all your targets SMART

There is nothing more frustrating than a leader who sets you unrealistic targets and expects you to deliver them. Make all your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) and ensure you agree them with your team before you start a project or a working relationship. A clear set of KPIs for your team is also a very good idea

Understand your team and how to direct them effectively

Ken Blanchard’s Situational Leadership book and framework are great starting points when looking to understand how to manage a veterinary team. It’s so important to understand how developed each member of your team is so you can effectively coach them. You do not want to be giving piecemeal info to an experienced member of the team and at the same time, you need to ensure you give the right support and direction to new members of the team. Work through the model together in your 121s so you can be transparent about being a better leader to ensure you all benefit from a clearer working relationship.

Ultimately, it’s all about effective communication with your team. If you’re listening well, you can resolve any issues before they arrive and guide your team to a brighter future!

Helping you find great leaders!

If you’re on the lookout for new Veterinary team members why not let us help? We help small and large veterinary organizations find their perfect hires and we take the stress out of the recruitment process.

Give us a call on (786) 7060905 or email us at [email protected]